Good Learning is collaborative and social. Educating the culture of teamwork and collaboration among the kids will help them to become best global societal elements beyond the geographical boundaries, rather than restraining within the walls of classrooms. Learning is heightened when it is more like a team effort than a solo race. Sharing one’s own idea and responding to other’s reactions improves thinking and deepens understanding.

What does collaborative learning do?

Collaborative learning often offers the facility of negotiation on solutions to a common problem and facilitates the learners to understand diversified approaches and solutions for single problem space.

Class 5 Mathematics

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140+  Videos

1900+  Minutes

200+  Songs

1000+  Minutes

90+  Lessons

1300+  Minutes

Chapter :

The Fish Tale (Fishes and Mathematics)

Chapter :

Shapes and Angles

Chapter :

How Many Squares? (Introduction to Perimeter and Area)

Chapter :

Parts and Wholes (Fractions in Numbers)

Chapter :

Does it Look the Same? (Perspective Views of Objects and Shapes)

Chapter :

Be My Multiple, I’ll be Your Factor (Multiplication Factors and Multipliers)

Chapter :

Can You See the Pattern?
(Patterns and Analysis)

Chapter :

Mapping Your Way (Distance and Scaling on Maps & Routes)

Chapter :

Boxes and Sketches (2D and 3D Representation of Objects)

Chapter :

Tenths and Hundredths
(Fractions and Decimals)

Chapter :

Area and its Boundary (Measurements and Calculations on Area and Boundary)

Chapter :

Smart Charts (Information Processing, Data Handling and Data Representation)

Chapter :

Ways to Multiply and Divide (Multiplication and Division)

Chapter :

How Big? How Heavy? (Measurement of Volumes and Weight)