World's Pioneer in Edutainment
Package for Complete
Primary Education
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Our Vision is Society Concerned
Contributing Education Through Affordable
Edutainment and Ignite the Young Minds with Limitless Stuffs
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Our Slogan is Learners-Oriented
Fun Learning
Easy Learning
Effective Learning
Efficient Learning
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Every Child is Deserved for 100% Fullest
Attention in their Studies
It is Our Responsibility to Pave Path for it;
We Made it for Your Child !!!
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World's Most Affordable
Edutainment Package
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Realistic Education for All Children

How Toon Scholar Helps Children, Teachers and Parents…

   Toon Scholar, among the young learners, guarantee for their active engagement in learning at their own pace, create and sustain interest to pay fullest attention in studies, reduces the effort of the children to understand the concepts, help them to become proficient in fundamentals via versatile and attractive learning components and integrate their knowledge into different fields.

Joyful Edutainment Learning Packages for Young Learners

There is always a right tool for every task; Edutainment is the Best tool for Education

Edutainment is the great invention in Education field that fulfills the expectations of all stakeholders

          Toon Scholar explains the Theory and Concepts through cartoon animation videos using interactive cartoon characters and hence, the sessions are like cartoon episodes, not as traditional lectures. The videos are packed with cool graphics and interesting animations that boosts the attention and involvement of the learners.

Toon Scholar Offers Holistic Edutainment Stuffs

Let’s Have Complete Fun Learning

Toon Scholar Supports Personalized Learning

Let’s Have Individualized Learning

Toon Scholar Supplies Visible Thinking Lessons

Let’s Have Creative Learning

Toon Scholar Improves Learners Interest in Studies

Let’s Have Excited Learning

Toon Scholar Protects Children From Dangerous Entertainment Bits

Let’s Have Safe Learning

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Foster All the Stakeholders

        Being a parent or teacher for Kids is very hard, but ‘Toon Scholar’ makes it so easier and indeed improves their role and value. Toon Scholar Addressing the Concerns of All the Stakeholders Irrespective of their Roles as a Learner, Teacher or Parent.

TOON SCHOLAR respects the efforts of Students

       TOON SCHOLAR is aimed at clearing the pain of learners and keep them always in
the sweet zone through extracting the potentials of edutainment.

TOON SCHOLAR respects the efforts of Teachers

TOON SCHOLAR is designed to undo the pain of Teachers by offering most attractive teaching components with first-of-its-kind status.

TOON SCHOLAR respects the efforts of Parents

TOON SCHOLAR is Intended to eliminate the pain of Parents by making it as World’s Most Affordable package with qualified internals.

TOON SCHOLAR respects the human capital values
across the World

TOON SCHOLAR guarantee to decline the overall ‘Screen Time’ in order to assure the healthy society by providing safe education and entertainment values.

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Be a Part of World’s Most Exciting and Affordable Platform that Makes Learning Fun and Joyful

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